Primary research (General Questions)

Primary Research Questionnaire 

This survey is about Virtual Reality.

  1. what is your gender?
  2. Which region are you from?
  3. What is your age?
  4. What is your profession?
  5. Which of the following best describes your current relationship status?
  6. What is your field of interest?
  7. Do you use a computer?
  8. Do you like using new technology?
  9. Do you know about Virtual Reality?
  10. How many times have you used virtual reality?
  11. Have you ever used virtual gaming?
  12. What is the reason for not using virtual gaming?
  13. Do you think virtual reality gaming is easy to use?
  14. Do you think that such advanced technology should foster more?
  15. Do you think virtual reality is not popular among common people?
  16. Do you have any suggestions about Virtual Reality?
